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Class Summary Class Description Boat Represents a Boat, controlled by either a Player or Opponent.Course Represents the race course.DesktopLauncher Launches the game window with specified graphics settings.DifficultyScreen Difficulty Screen class for Dragon Boat Game.DragonBoatGame Game Class for Dragon Boat Game.GameScreen Main Game Screen class for Dragon Boat Game.Goose Represents a goose obstacle on the course.Lane Represents a lane on the course.Leaderboard Represents a leaderboard for after each race.Log Represents a log obstacle on the course.MenuScreen Screen class for the Menu Screen.Obstacle Represents an obstacle on the course.Opponent Represents a opponent boat with AI.PauseMenu PauseMenu class is the basis of pause menu for the main game.Player Represents the player's boat.ProgressBar Represents a progress bar.SaveGameScreen