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advanceLeg() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Changes the screen to a new GameScreen and resets necessary attributes.
AdvanceTextureFrame() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Keeps track of which frame of the animation the boat's texture is on, and sets the texture accordingly.
ai(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Opponent
Controls the AI behaviour of the boat.
allFinished(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Returns true if all boats have finished.
ApplyDamage(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Decreases the durability of the boat by the obstacle damage divided by the boat's robustness.
applyPenalty(float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat


Boat - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents a Boat, controlled by either a Player or Opponent.
Boat(float, int, int, Lane, String) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Creates a Boat instance in a specified Lane.


changeDirection() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Goose
Changes the direction of the Goose to an appropriate, random cardinal direction.
CheckCollisions(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Checks each obstacle in the Lane for a collision.
CheckIfInLane() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Checks if the boat is between the left boundary and the right boundary of the Lane.
ChooseBoat(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Player
Assigns the selected boat template to the boat.
com.dragonboat.game - package com.dragonboat.game
course - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Course - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents the race course.
Course(Texture, Lane[]) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Course
Creates a course instance for all the boats.
create() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Sets up the game with settings and instantiation of objects.


DecreaseSpeed() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Decreases the speed of the boat by 0.015 if the resulting speed is greater than 0.
DecreaseTiredness() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Decreases the tiredness of the boat by 1 if the tiredness is greater than 0.
difficulty - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
direction - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Goose
dispose() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Disposes of the current screen when it's no longer needed.
dispose() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
Disposes of the screen when it is no longer needed.
dispose() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen
Disposes of the screen when it is no longer needed.
DragonBoatGame - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Game Class for Dragon Boat Game.
DragonBoatGame() - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame


ended - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
endGame() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame


finished() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
finishY - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Course


GameScreen - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Main Game Screen class for Dragon Boat Game.
GameScreen(DragonBoatGame) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
Sets up everything needed for a race to take place.
GenerateTextureFrames(char) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Generates all frames for animating the boat.
generator - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
getAcceleration() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getCurrentSpeed() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getDamage() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
getDurability() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getFastestTime() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getFinalists(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Leaderboard
Gets top boats, in order of fastest race time.
getHeight() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getHeight() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
GetInput() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Player
Moves the player based on key pressed (W, A, S, D).
getLeftBoundary() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Lane
getManeuverability() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getMaxSpeed() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getName() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getNoLanes() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Course
getOpponentIcon() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Gets the opponent icon texture.
getPenalty() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getPlayerIcon() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Gets the player icon texture.
getPlayerTime() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Gets the time elapsed for the player in the current race.
getPlayerTimeString() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Gets the time elapsed for the player in the current race and total penalty time.
getPodium() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Leaderboard
Gets the top 3 boats, in order of fastest times.
getProgress(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getProgress(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Gets the progress of all boats.
getRightBoundary() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Lane
getRobustness() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getTexture() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Course
getTexture() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Leaderboard
Gets the leaderboard texture.
getTexture() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
getTexture() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Gets the progress bar texture.
getTime() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Gets the time passed for the current race.
getTimes(int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Leaderboard
Gets the names of the boats and their fastest times, in order of fastest time.
getTiredness() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getX() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getX() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
getY() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
getY() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
givenLane - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Goose
Goose - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents a goose obstacle on the course.
Goose(int, int, Texture, Lane) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Goose
Creates a goose instance.


height - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
height - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
hide() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
hide() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen


IncreaseSpeed() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
If the boat has enough stamina, increase the speed of the boat by the boat's acceleration, if not, do nothing.
IncreaseTiredness() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Increases the tiredness of the boat by 0.75 if the tiredness is less than 100.
IncrementTimer(float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Increments the timer by the time passed.


lane - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Lane - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents a lane on the course.
Lane(int, int) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Lane
Creates a lane instance.
Lane(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Lane
Creates a lane instance.
lanes - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Course
lanes - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
leaderboard - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Leaderboard - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents a leaderboard for after each race.
Leaderboard(Player, Opponent[]) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Leaderboard
Creates a leaderboard with an array of all boats.
leftBoundary - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Course
Log - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents a log obstacle on the course.
Log(int, int, Texture) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Log
Creates a log instance.


MenuScreen - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Screen class for the Menu Screen.
MenuScreen(DragonBoatGame) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen
Creates an Input Processor to listen for a mouse click within set boundaries.
Move(float, int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Goose
Moves the goose.
Move(float, int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
Moves the obstacle.
MoveForward() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Increases the y-position of the boat respective to the boat's speed, and decreases the speed by 0.08%.
music - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame


noOfObstacles - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame


Obstacle - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents an obstacle on the course.
Obstacle(int, int, int, int, int, Texture) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
Creates an obstacle instance.
obstacles - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Lane
obstacleTimes - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Opponent - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents a opponent boat with AI.
Opponent(int, int, int, Lane, String) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Opponent
Creates a opponent instance.
opponentIcon - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
opponents - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame


parameter - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
pause() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
pause() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen
penalties - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
player - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Player - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents the player's boat.
Player(int, int, int, Lane, String) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.Player
Creates an instance of the player boat.
playerChoice - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
playerIcon - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
progressBar - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
ProgressBar - Class in com.dragonboat.game
Represents a progress bar.
ProgressBar(Player, Opponent[]) - Constructor for class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Creates a progress bar that tracks the player and opponent boats progress along the course.


RemoveObstacle(Obstacle) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Lane
Removes obstacle from obstacle list.
render() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
render(float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
Rendering function for the game loop, handling all game logic and displaying graphics.
render(float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen
Rendering function for the menu screen.
Reset() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Resets necessary stats for the next race.
ResetFastestLegTime() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Resets the boat's fastest leg time.
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.DragonBoatGame
Resizes the game screen.
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
Resizes the game screen.
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen
resume() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
resume() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen
rightBoundary - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Course


setFinished(boolean) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
setLane(Lane) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
SetRandomBoat(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Opponent
Assigns a random boat template to the boat.
setStats(char) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Interpolates predetermined stats from a boat label, and sets the stats based on those.
setStats(int, int, float, float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Implicitly sets the stats of the boat, given each attribute.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
setTextureFrames(Texture[]) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
setX(float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
setY(float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
show() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.GameScreen
show() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.MenuScreen
SpawnObstacle(int, int, String) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Lane
Spawns obstacle in the lane.
StartTimer() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar
Resets the timer to zero.
startY - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Course
steering - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Opponent
SteerLeft() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Decreases the x-position of the boat respective to the boat's maneuverability and speed, and decreases the speed by 3%.
SteerRight() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Increases the x-position of the boat respective to the boat's maneuverability and speed, and decreases the speed by 3%.


texture - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
texture - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Course
texture - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
texture - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.ProgressBar


UpdateFastestTime(float) - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
Updates the boat's fastest time.
UpdateOrder() - Method in class com.dragonboat.game.Leaderboard
Sorts the array of boats by fastest race time, increasing.


width - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
width - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle


xPosition - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
xPosition - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle


yPosition - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Boat
yPosition - Variable in class com.dragonboat.game.Obstacle
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