import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
* Represents a Boat, controlled by either a Player or Opponent.
* @see Player
* @see Opponent
public class Boat {
* Direct representation based off the UML diagram
protected int ROBUSTNESS;
protected int durability;
protected float yPosition, xPosition, penalties;
protected int width, height;
protected float currentSpeed, fastestLegTime, tiredness;
protected Lane[] lanes;
protected int laneNo = 0;
protected Texture[] textureFrames;
protected int frameCounter = 0;
protected float lastFrameY = 0;
public Texture texture;
protected String name;
protected char label;
protected boolean finished;
protected int threshold = 5;
public static int bankWidth = 40;
public static int MAX_DURABILITY = 50;
public static float MAX_TIREDNESS = 100;
* Represents a savable/loadable boat.
static class BoatSpriteDescriptor {
public int durability;
public float yPosition, xPosition, penalties;
public int width, height;
public float currentSpeed, fastestLegTime, tiredness;
public int laneNo;
public int frameCounter;
public float lastFrameY;
public String name;
public boolean finished;
public char label;
* Json requires an empty constructor to regenerate the class from a save file
public BoatSpriteDescriptor(){}
* Creates a json friendly instance of the obstacle
* @param oldBoat The boat data that needs to be converted to be stored properly
public BoatSpriteDescriptor(Boat oldBoat) {
this.durability = oldBoat.getDurability();
this.yPosition = oldBoat.getY();
this.xPosition = oldBoat.getX();
this.penalties = oldBoat.getPenalty();
this.durability = oldBoat.getDurability();
this.width = oldBoat.width;
this.height = oldBoat.getHeight();
this.currentSpeed = oldBoat.getCurrentSpeed();
this.fastestLegTime = oldBoat.getFastestTime();
this.tiredness = oldBoat.tiredness;
this.laneNo = oldBoat.laneNo;
this.frameCounter = oldBoat.frameCounter;
this.lastFrameY = oldBoat.lastFrameY; = oldBoat.getName();
this.finished = oldBoat.finished();
this.label = oldBoat.label;
* Creates an instance of the player boat.
* @param yPosition Y-position of the boat.
* @param width Width of the boat.
* @param height Height of the boat.
* @param lanes Lanes for the boat.
* @param laneNo Lane number for the boat.
* @param name Name of the boat.
public Boat(float yPosition, int width, int height, Lane[] lanes, int laneNo, String name) {
this.xPosition = lanes[laneNo].getRightBoundary() - (lanes[laneNo].getRightBoundary() - lanes[laneNo].getLeftBoundary()) / 2.0f - width / 2.0f;
this.yPosition = yPosition;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.currentSpeed = 0f;
this.penalties = 0;
this.durability = Boat.MAX_DURABILITY;
this.tiredness = 0f;
this.lanes = lanes;
this.laneNo = laneNo;
this.fastestLegTime = 0;
this.lastFrameY = 0;
this.textureFrames = new Texture[4];
this.frameCounter = 0; = name;
this.threshold = 5;
* Decreases the x-position of the boat respective to the boat's maneuverability
* and speed, and decreases the speed by 3%.
public void SteerLeft() {
if (this.xPosition > bankWidth) {
this.xPosition = Math.max(this.xPosition - this.MANEUVERABILITY * this.currentSpeed, bankWidth);
this.currentSpeed *= 0.985f;
} else {
this.xPosition = bankWidth;
* Increases the x-position of the boat respective to the boat's maneuverability
* and speed, and decreases the speed by 3%.
public void SteerRight() {
if (this.xPosition + this.width < - bankWidth) {
this.xPosition = Math.min(this.xPosition + this.MANEUVERABILITY * this.currentSpeed, - bankWidth - this.width);
this.currentSpeed *= 0.985f;
} else {
this.xPosition = - bankWidth - this.width;
* Increases the y-position of the boat respective to the boat's speed, and
* decreases the speed by 0.08%.
public void MoveForward() {
this.yPosition += this.currentSpeed;
this.currentSpeed *= 0.9992f;
if (this.yPosition - this.lastFrameY > 15.0f) {
this.lastFrameY = this.yPosition;
* If the boat has enough stamina, increase the speed of the boat by the boat's
* acceleration, if not, do nothing.
public void IncreaseSpeed() {
float damagedMaxSpeedMultiplier = 1.0f;
if (this.durability <= 0) {
damagedMaxSpeedMultiplier = 0.5f;
if (this.tiredness <= 75) {
this.currentSpeed = Math.min(this.currentSpeed + this.ACCELERATION, this.MAXSPEED * damagedMaxSpeedMultiplier);
* Decreases the speed of the boat by 0.015 if the resulting speed is greater
* than 0.
public void DecreaseSpeed() {
* Very basic deceleration function, acting as water friction. could be updated
* using functions from
* to be
* more realistic.
this.currentSpeed = Math.max(this.currentSpeed - 0.015f, 0);
* Checks each obstacle in the Lane for a collision.
* @param backgroundOffset How far up the course the player is.
* @return Boolean representing if a collision occurs.
public boolean CheckCollisions(int backgroundOffset) {
boolean hitObstacle = false;
// Iterate through obstacles.
ArrayList<Obstacle> obstacles = this.lanes[this.laneNo].obstacles;
ArrayList<Obstacle> obstaclesToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for (Obstacle o : obstacles) {
if (o.getX() + o.width > this.xPosition + threshold && o.getX() < this.xPosition + this.width - threshold) {
if (o.getY() + o.height + backgroundOffset > this.yPosition + threshold && o.getY() + backgroundOffset < this.yPosition + this.height - threshold) {
hitObstacle = true;
for (Obstacle obstacleToRemove : obstaclesToRemove) {
return hitObstacle;
* Decreases the durability of the boat by the obstacle damage divided by the
* boat's robustness.
* @param obstacleDamage Amount of damage an Obstacle inflicts on the boat.
* @return Boolean representing whether the durability of the boat is below 0.
public boolean ApplyDamage(int obstacleDamage) {
this.durability -= obstacleDamage / this.ROBUSTNESS;
this.currentSpeed *= 0.9f;
return this.durability <= 0;
* Checks if the boat is between the left boundary and the right boundary of the Lane.
* @return Boolean representing whether the Boat is in the Lane.
public boolean CheckIfInLane() {
return this.xPosition + threshold >= this.lanes[this.laneNo].getLeftBoundary()
&& this.xPosition + this.width - threshold <= this.lanes[this.laneNo].getRightBoundary();
* Updates the boat's fastest time.
* @param elapsedTime Time it took the boat to finish the current race.
public void UpdateFastestTime(float elapsedTime) {
if (this.fastestLegTime > elapsedTime + this.penalties || this.fastestLegTime == 0) {
this.fastestLegTime = elapsedTime + this.penalties;
* Increases the tiredness of the boat by 0.75 if the tiredness is less than
* 100.
public void IncreaseTiredness() {
this.tiredness += this.tiredness >= 100 ? 0 : 0.75f;
* Decreases the tiredness of the boat by 1 if the tiredness is greater than 0.
public void DecreaseTiredness() {
this.tiredness -= this.tiredness <= 0 ? 0 : 1f;
* Keeps track of which frame of the animation the boat's texture is on, and
* sets the texture accordingly.
public void AdvanceTextureFrame() {
this.frameCounter = this.frameCounter == this.textureFrames.length - 1 ? 0 : this.frameCounter + 1;
* Generates all frames for animating the boat.
* @param boatName Boat name, used to get correct asset.
public void GenerateTextureFrames(char boatName) {
Texture[] frames = new Texture[4];
for (int i = 1; i <= frames.length; i++) {
frames[i - 1] = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("core/assets/boat" + boatName + " sprite" + i + ".png"));
* Resets necessary stats for the next race.
public void Reset() {
this.xPosition = lanes[this.laneNo].getRightBoundary() - (lanes[this.laneNo].getRightBoundary() - lanes[this.laneNo].getLeftBoundary()) / 2.0f - width / 2.0f;
this.yPosition = 0;
this.currentSpeed = 0f;
this.penalties = 0f;
this.durability = 50;
this.tiredness = 0f;
this.finished = false;
this.frameCounter = 0;
this.lastFrameY = 0;
* Resets the boat's fastest leg time.
public void ResetFastestLegTime() {
this.fastestLegTime = 0f;
// getters and setters
* @param t Texture to use.
public void setTexture(Texture t) {
this.texture = t;
* @param frames Texture frames for animation.
public void setTextureFrames(Texture[] frames) {
this.textureFrames = frames;
* @return Float representing fastest race/leg time.
public float getFastestTime() {
return this.fastestLegTime;
* @return Int representing x-position of boat.
public int getX() {
return Math.round(this.xPosition);
* @return Int representing y-position of boat.
public int getY() {
return Math.round(this.yPosition);
* @return Int representing the y coordinate range of the boat (length).
public int getHeight() {
return this.height;
* @return String representing name of the boat.
public String getName() {
* @return Boolean representing if the boat has finished the current race.
public boolean finished() {
return this.finished;
* @param f Boolean representing if the boat has finished the race.
public void setFinished(boolean f) {
this.finished = f;
* @return Float representing the current speed of the boat.
public float getCurrentSpeed() {
return this.currentSpeed;
* @param finishY Y-position of the finish line.
* @return Float representing the progress of the boat from 0 to 1.
public float getProgress(int finishY) {
return Math.min((this.yPosition) / finishY, 1f);
* Implicitly sets the stats of the boat, given each attribute.
* @param maxspeed Top speed the boat can reach.
* @param robustness How resilient to obstacle damage the boat is.
* @param acceleration How much the speed increases each frame.
* @param maneuverability How easily the boat can move left or right.
public void setStats(float maxspeed, int robustness, float acceleration, float maneuverability) {
this.MAXSPEED = maxspeed;
this.ROBUSTNESS = robustness;
this.ACCELERATION = acceleration;
this.MANEUVERABILITY = maneuverability;
* Interpolates predetermined stats from a boat label, and sets the stats based
* on those.
* @param boatLabel A character between A-G representing a specific boat.
public void setStats(char boatLabel) {
float[] maxspeeds = { 2.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 2.5f, 2.0f, 3.5f, 2.5f };
int[] robustnesses = { 2, 4, 1, 4, 8, 3, 5 };
float[] accelerations = { 0.09375f, 0.03125f, 0.125f, 0.06254f, 0.046875f, 0.021875f, 0.03125f };
float[] maneuverabilities = { 0.375f, 1.0f, 0.375f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.125f, 0.625f };
int boatNo = boatLabel - 65;
this.setStats(maxspeeds[boatNo], robustnesses[boatNo], accelerations[boatNo], maneuverabilities[boatNo]);
* @return Float representing the maneuverability of the boat.
public float getManeuverability() {
* @return Float representing the acceleration of the boat.
public float getAcceleration() {
return this.ACCELERATION;
* @return Int representing the robustness of the boat.
public int getRobustness() {
return this.ROBUSTNESS;
* @return Int representing the durability of the boat.
public int getDurability() {
return this.durability;
* @return Int representing the maximum speed of the boat.
public float getMaxSpeed() {
return this.MAXSPEED;
* @return Float representing the tiredness of the boat crew.
public float getTiredness() {
return this.tiredness;
* @return Float representing the time penalty incurred for the current race.
public float getPenalty() {
return this.penalties;
* @param penalty Float to add to the boat's penalty total for the current race.
public void applyPenalty(float penalty) {
this.penalties += penalty;
* @param lanes Lanes object for the boat.
public void setLane(Lane[] lanes, int laneNo) {
this.lanes = lanes;
this.laneNo = laneNo;
this.xPosition = this.lanes[this.laneNo].getRightBoundary() - (this.lanes[this.laneNo].getRightBoundary() - this.lanes[this.laneNo].getLeftBoundary()) / 2.0f - width / 2.0f;
* <p>
* Assigns the selected boat template to the boat.
* </p>
* <p>
* This includes stats and texture.
* </p>
* @param boatNo Number of the boat template selected.
public void ChooseBoat(int boatNo) {
ChooseBoat((char) (65 + boatNo));
* <p>
* Assigns the selected boat template to the boat.
* </p>
* <p>
* This includes stats and texture.
* </p>
* @param boatChar Character of the boat template selected.
public void ChooseBoat(char boatChar) {
this.label = boatChar;
this.setTexture(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("core/assets/boat" + label + " sprite1.png")));